Min. Yuka Shimada has been volunteering for Dallas ACLC in 2021 assisting in the prayer breakfasts, prayer meetings and other events as well as studying Divine Principle with an ACLC 172 clergy member, Rev. Harvey Starling. She has also participated in YCLC programs and later joined the YCLC National Staff, which led her to organize, outreach and create programs for YCLC members. Her parents received the Holy Marriage Blessing in Korea in 1982 and she is a second generation member of the Heavenly Parents' Holy Community (FFWPU). Yuka has studied Sports Science at Waseda University in Japan, the Korean language at Ehwa Women's University, she also has a master of science in Athletic Training from the Stephen F. Austin State University. Yuka has been inspired by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's work with Christian pastors to realize a heavenly unified world.